Title I & LAP Information
Title I Schools in South Kitsap School District:
- East Port Orchard Elementary
- Hidden Creek Elementary
- Orchard Heights Elementary
- Sidney Glen Elementary
- Cedar Heights Middle
- Marcus Whitman Middle
Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
In addition to core instruction, LAP serves students who are performing below standard in reading, writing and math. With special emphasis on reading literacy in the early grades, schools use their state LAP funds to deliver supplemental services that give these students the strong start they need for academic success. The purpose is to accelerate student growth.
Currently all elementary schools in South Kitsap School District have a LAP program. South Kitsap High School and Discovery Alternative High School have LAP Credit Recovery programs. Eligible students in grades 11 and 12 may receive support in any course or content area that is a graduation requirement.
Parents/Guardians Right to Know (Title I Programs)